Annual Peace and Conservation camel caravan event

Annual Peace and Conservation camel caravan event

The Ewaso Ng’iro North Development Authority brought together key government agencies and civil society organizations to successfully orchestrate an annual Peace and Conservation Camel Caravan walk. This event sensitized communities along the Ewaso Ng’iro North River basin on the significance of environmental conservation and promoting harmonious coexistence between the region’s multiple ethnic groups.

This cross-country caravan convenes intercommunity exchanges, raises awareness on sustainability through cultural festivals, and builds social cohesion through shared ecological heritage. By catalyzing grassroots advocacy on the interconnected nature of social, economic and ecological wellbeing in the basin, the Camel Caravan represents a unique Authority-led initiative upholding the principles of sustainable development. Its growing popularity over consecutive years is testament to the power of ground-up culturally resonant advocacy in driving impact.